:mod:`sqlparse` -- Parse SQL statements ======================================= .. module:: sqlparse :synopsis: Parse SQL statements. The :mod:`sqlparse` module provides the following functions on module-level. .. autofunction:: sqlparse.split .. autofunction:: sqlparse.format .. autofunction:: sqlparse.parse .. _formatting: Formatting of SQL Statements ---------------------------- The :meth:`~sqlparse.format` function accepts the following keyword arguments. ``keyword_case`` Changes how keywords are formatted. Allowed values are "upper", "lower" and "capitalize". ``identifier_case`` Changes how identifiers are formatted. Allowed values are "upper", "lower", and "capitalize". ``strip_comments`` If ``True`` comments are removed from the statements. ``reindent`` If ``True`` the indentations of the statements are changed. ``indent_tabs`` If ``True`` tabs instead of spaces are used for indentation. ``indent_width`` The width of the indentation, defaults to 2. ``output_format`` If given the output is additionally formatted to be used as a variable in a programming language. Allowed values are "python" and "php".